Gzh grade (gas fat)

It has a high volatile yield and a relatively thick plastometric index.

The international equivalent of this brand is highly volatile semi-hard or semi-soft.

Moisture (ar), % Ash (dry), % Y, mm Sulfur (dry), % FSI Fluidity, ddpm Volatile matter (dry), % CSR
< 9.0 < 9.0 20 0.5 - 0.8 7.5 - 8.5 >20 000 34.0 - 36.5 40 - 50

Zh grade (fat)

It has a high degree of Roga index. It demonstrates high structural strength, which makes it particularly in demand in the production of coke. Unlike the GZh brand, it has a lower volatile yield and a thick plastometric index.

Equivalent of American coals such as HVA and HVB.

Moisture (ar), % Ash (dry), % Y, mm Sulfur (dry), % FSI Fluidity, ddpm Volatile matter (dry), % CSR
< 9.0 < 9.0 28 0.5 - 0.8 8.0 - 9.0 >30 000 30.5 - 37.0 50 - 60

KS grade (low-caking coking coal)

It is used in the coke industry as a lean element in the mix. It demonstrates a high degree of metamorphism and a low plastometric thickness. It can also be used for PCI.

Moisture (ar), % Ash (dry), % Y, mm Sulfur (dry), % FSI Fluidity, ddpm Volatile matter (dry), % CSR
< 9.0 < 9.5 7 < 0.50 2.0 - 3.0 <10 14.5 - 16.5 >40


Moisture (ar), % Ash (dry), % Y, mm Sulfur (dry), % FSI Net Calorific Value, Kcal Volatile matter (dry), % HGI
< 9.0 < 10.0 - < 0.50 <2 >6500 14.5 - 16.5 80-90

OS grade (lean caking coal)

Premium products for higher coke CSR. Unlike fat grades, it has a lower volatile yield and a smaller plastometric thickness.

The international equivalent is the Australian low and medium volatile HCC.

Moisture (ar), % Ash (dry), % Y, mm Sulfur (dry), % FSI Fluidity, ddpm Volatile matter (dry), % CSR
< 9.0 < 9.0 10 < 0.50 5.5 - 6.5 <150 19.0 - 21.0 68 - 76

K grade (coking coal)

It is a premium grade and is used to produce coke with high CSR. Unlike fat grades, it has a lower volatile yield and a smaller plastometric thickness.

The international equivalent is the Australian low and medium volatile HCC.

Moisture (ar), % Ash (dry), % Y, mm Sulfur (dry), % FSI Fluidity, ddpm Volatile matter (dry), % CSR
< 9.0 < 9.5 13 < 0.50 5.0-6.0 <150 21.0 - 23.0 50 - 55